Live.Work.Lead. is a company committed to reducing the gender & caregiving gaps in the workplace. Live.Work.Lead. provides consulting, training and coaching for organizations on how to best support new parents in the workplace and increase the retention rates & engagement. They partner with organizations to create programs to coach new parents, train managers on caregiving bias and re-onboard and re-engage parents post parental leave. Founder and CEO Mary Beth Ferrante has been featured in Working Mother, FairyGodBoss, Scary Mommy and is a regular contributor for Women@Forbes, writing on the intersection of work and motherhood. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two young daughters.
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Principal Location
Headquartered in Los Angeles and work with women and organizations across the U.S.
Service Areas
Individual career coaching for parents, job/career transitions, planning for leave, returning to work. Three-month Return to Work group coaching program for new (and newish!) Moms.
Service Categories
Parents, particularly new mothers planning for leave and returning to work. Also parents looking to discover optimal work-life balance.