Recently I read that millennials are more focused on “finding the work that fits your life” than their mothers were at the same age. In my Baby Boomer generation women left the workforce in large numbers to be with family—and through my coaching practice I know that these off-rampers still tend to think that work…
Women who successfully blend work and life have a healthy dose of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. They know that no area of your life will ever be perfect for a sustained period of time—and that it is possible to blend work and life without feeling like you’re shortchanging your job or your…
When I first started coaching women in 2002, it was always about how to find a job in an established company. In the beginning many women wanted what they knew–to continue working for (or return after many years at home to) a large corporation. Then there was more interest in local small to mid-size companies…
As the U.S. moves rapidly toward a self-directed workforce, more and more women will choose to start their own businesses. I find that many of my coaching clients are now thinking about entrepreneurial ventures—knowing that employers are trimming their ranks. In the workforce of the future employers will rely on a pool of independent contractors…
Recently an Ellevate Network poll asked members to name the smartest thing they’ve done as working mothers. Since conversations often seem skewed to musings on how working mothers could be shortchanging their children, I responded to the survey to promote a dialogue with a more positive spin. In my survey answer I said that I took…
In a previous blog post I talked about the importance of having a personal board for work+life decisions. But not all of the most well-meaning people in your personal and business lives are the right fit for your board. When you’re deciding if someone should be on your call list when you need a sounding board…