Considering a return to work? That’s smart thinking. Most women need to generate even a small income at every age and stage to boost savings for a retirement that could last 30 years or more—and fund all of life’s you never knows. But even though you know there are many benefits to a return to…
Just about every working human would like a flexible schedule, and most mothers jump quickly to the idea of part-time. Before you give up full-time hours, however—and a full-time salary that could greatly impact your long-term financial security—ask yourself the question that tops this article’s list: Is what I really need a better system…
Do you remember anything that was said at your college graduation other than “congratulations” as you were handed your diploma? I can’t recite a thing the keynote speaker said at my own graduations, my daughter’s graduations or any other multi-hour event I’ve attended to fete academic success… …Except the graduation speech I heard…
Five years ago, Liz left a vice president level job at a Fortune 500 company for a family hiatus. At the time she loved her work, but it wasn’t fitting her life. She had a baby and two young children, and the commute in and out of New York City to a job that was…
For the book I have underway, No Regrets: A Reality Check on Work, Motherhood and Long-Term Financial Security, I’ve asked women “what they’re glad they did” or “what they wish they had done” in terms of work-life choices they made and the impact on long-term financial security. A Global Head of Human Resources for a financial…
Thinking about a complete career transformation? Read this story about Cynthia Lowrance Grano, a Connecticut entrepreneur who turned a commute to Wall Street into a walk through her garden. There was a time when Cynthia wore a business suit every day. Now she dresses more casually to design exquisite jewelry, pillows and sachets for her company,…