You may be right in the thick of raising young children or your adult children may be long out of the house. But even if potty-training, playdates and homework are a distant memory, we all know women who are struggling to blend work and life. It may be your daughters, nieces, friends or colleagues—in every…
Many smart and talented women take the lead on managing people, projects, events, volunteer committees, households and a long list of other responsibilities in personal and professional lives—but when it comes to taking the reins for their own finances…not as much. This was the message at a recent UBS luncheon for women led by Carey Shuffman,…
All the costs of healthcare and daily eldercare make increased longevity a double-edged sword. Of course, we all want to enjoy being healthy and active for as long as possible, but there are an increasing number of years we have to fund. “Catastrophic longevity” is the risk that people will live longer and need more…
A woman who stays on top of work+life issues tagged me in Sarah Cottrell’s LinkedIn post announcing that she was leaving the workforce to be at home with her young son. You’ll see that this post is basically going viral. As of this writing nearly 13,000 women (and a few men) have “liked” Sarah’s post—and…
As you consider a return to the workforce or a move from your current job to one that offers more flexibility, avoid setting off impetuously toward flexible jobs that may have the right hours and the right location, but not the right fit. As I say in my book, Ambition Redefined, career reinvention, recycling, or…
It’s no secret that employers—especially big corporations—have largely turned a blind eye to the fact that many women have not one, but three big jobs—a professional role and equally time-consuming and complex roles caring for children and aging parents. It’s great that millennial men are surpassing their fathers in their contributions to household chores and…