9 Lives for Women Blog

Paycheck Loss & Reentry Challenge Top List of Work Hiatus Fears

May 7th, 2013

Recently in collaboration with Ivy Exec (a great professional resource you should all know about), I held a webinar for women who are thinking of taking a work hiatus. It was Part II in a series that advises women to “Look Before You Leap” out of the workforce. My mission is to help as many…

Shortest Article Ever Written on Linkedin

May 6th, 2013

Many very smart people write articles about the benefits of Linkedin, and there are always valuable nuggets of information for those who are social media  newbies or pros. But if you’re still confused about this terrific networking and job search tool, there is no better resource than the clear and concise checklist Linkedin created on…

It’s a Mindset: Could 80 be the New Middle Age?

May 3rd, 2013

Because my mother died at age 60, the issue of longevity is always on my mind. I love reading any study about people living longer with greater productivity. And I especially loved reading that 80 is the new middle age. Sounds somewhat far-fetched, but I’ll choose to believe it. This fact was buried in an interesting…

Help Wanted from Women Over 40

May 2nd, 2013

“At my age, after I’ve been out of the workforce for so many years, why would anyone want to hire me?” That’s a question I’ve heard for more than a decade as I’ve coached women who like the idea of returning to work, but fear they are dinosaurs in heels. My answer is always some…

Buy Reinvention with Your Day Job

May 2nd, 2013

If your reinvention plan includes an entrepreneurial venture, don’t give up your day job too soon. The paycheck that automatically appears each month for your current job will disappear, and within minutes you could be on less even financial footing. No one can predict new business cash flow with 100% certainty, and you have to…

60 Second Elevator Advice from Anne-Marie Slaughter

April 18th, 2013

Late one night I was catching up on reading and I came upon an article in The Dartmouth about a lecture Anne-Marie Slaughter gave on campus on the topic of work-family balance. There are two women who have been responsible for many compelling discussions among other women in the past year or so. Sheryl Sandberg’s widespread…

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