9 Lives for Women Blog

4.74 Degrees of Separation

April 4th, 2012

A few social butterflies in my circles know everyone there is to know, but many more women have a nice circle of friends and acquaintances and that’s that. The non-social butterfly camp of job seekers often tells me that they’ve run out of networking contacts.  They do the obvious—contact their inner circle of friends, family…

Target Hip, Hip Hooray, Not Blasé

April 4th, 2012

When employers ask you for references, it’s the moment that could make or break your chances for a job.  Especially if you choose a reference who gives you a lukewarm review. The first thing to know is that employers prefer to speak directly to a person rather than read a letter that glows brighter than…

What Floats Your Boat?

April 4th, 2012

When I was a newly minted college graduate with an English degree, I thought that I launched a very logical job search.  I knew that I liked to write, so I searched for jobs at any company or department that focused on writing and editing.  I figured that as long as I was in an…

Work for the “You Never Knows”

March 29th, 2012

When you’re not sure if you want to return to work, you’re thinking a lot about how work will affect your life—and your family—today.  This is a bit of luxurious thinking because a current comfortable financial situation could easily change in the future. I’m not looking to be the purveyor of doom—only reality.  We’ve all…

Sell Your Value and Buy Flexibility

March 29th, 2012

On recent long flight I watched the movie, “I Don’t Know How She Does It”.  If you feel like your head is a supersonic “To Do” list missile headed for an unknown planet, and you’re trying to hold it all together before opting out of the workforce, you’ve got to see it!  It’s cute, funny…

Go to Your Room with Jane Fonda

March 28th, 2012

One of my blog readers on the main line in Pennsylvania mentioned that she was enjoying reading Jane Fonda’s book, Prime Time.  After she said that the book ”gives me a clear and directed message about balance in all areas of our lives,”  I cheated and read excerpts on Amazon.com. There’s one part of the…

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