9 Lives for Women Blog

A Flexible Job that Sent a Daughter to College

May 19th, 2018

Amy Sheinberg began her career on Wall Street, at a time when the idea of working anything less than 60 hours a week was about as possible as flying your car to the moon. She was working in a predominantly male environment, so she fully expected that her first maternity leave would mark the end…

Do Your Homework, Clean Your Room & Always Stay in the Workforce: Advice for Daughters

May 7th, 2018

On Mother’s Day many women will reflect on their roles—thinking about qualities they hope to instill in their children—like honesty, integrity, kindness, the value of hard work and the long-term benefits of keeping your room clean each and every day. What might not be in the line-up…

Flexwork Creates Working Mother Role Models Across Two Generations

April 16th, 2018

Tamra Feldman never had to wonder if it was possible to successfully blend work and family. Her mother had both part-time and full-time jobs as a C.P.A. while she was growing up, and she taught Tamra that work is an important part of a woman’s life. Following her mother’s example, Tamra built an impressive resume of…

5 Tips if You Want a Professional Job, Not A High-Flying Career

February 8th, 2018

Many women who return to work after a long hiatus want a job that can blend with, not overtake their lives. Other women reach a point when they just can’t sustain the responsibility of a demanding senior-level career while they’re caring for children and/or aging parents—and they need to downsize to a more manageable “job”. It’s…

Work Without Borders: A #RealFlexwork Case Study

February 8th, 2018

When Lauren Patterson was in law school she wasn’t necessarily thinking she would work for big law firms her entire career. She was attracted to the lawyer’s discipline—analytical and organized thinking and the nuts and bolts of conducting business overall. Like others with a newly minted J.D., she began as a litigator—and spent five years…

9 Lives for Women: New Look, New Flexwork Brand!

February 1st, 2018

I’m so excited to share my new website at www.kathrynsollmann.com. It’s easier to navigate, more mobile-friendly and helps you find flexwork even faster. My site URL is no longer “9 Lives for Women” so that I can focus more clearly on the key services I provide as a flexwork expert. My new branding is indeed all about flexwork—on my…

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