Don’t Put Your Job Search Cart Before the Horse
April 10th, 2014
Looking to make a change to your work-life status? You might be considering or ready for a return the workforce. The approaching summer months could be reminding you that you want to downsize your career. Or you may be starting or continuing a job search after a layoff or career change of heart. In all…
How About Back to Work in Your Own Business?
April 3rd, 2014
Lots of women itching to work again after a family hiatus worry that they’ve chosen the worst possible time to return to the workforce. They already feel great trepidation about the gap in their resumes, and a difficult economy makes it appear that only current professionals will land the few available jobs. While I do…
You’re Still Interesting Enough to Return to Work
March 26th, 2014
Twitter can be a fascinating place—especially because you have to contain your profile to a mini bio of 160 characters or less. (Look at mine if you’re interested—and click to follow me, too!) One Twitter profile I read recently belongs to a woman who left the work force and she noted “I used to be…
Shape Your Mommy Legacy
March 26th, 2014
Halfway through one of my presentations on how to return to the workforce after a hiatus of a decade or more, a woman in the audience added both humor and more somber reflection to the lively discussion. At the time, I was speaking about the prickly “Lean In or Lean Out” debate, and suggesting—first and…
Choose Your Work+Life Path Based on Fit, Not Fear
February 13th, 2014
Facebook and Twitter are cluttered with pithy quotes, and “thoughts of the day”. With so much to read I often skip over these motivational mantras—but one attributed to Cathie Black made me stop and stare: “How Wide a Frame Can You Put Around Your Future?” Black, a former president of Hearst Magazines, wrote a letter…
Message to Pessimistic Job Seekers: The Buck Stops With You
November 4th, 2013
Whether the target is a retail job on Main Street or an executive-level job in the C-suite, stress is still high among long frustrated job seekers. There’s no shortage of fingers pointing at potential culprits—depending on your politics it could be the House, the Senate, Obamacare or presidents who have long left Washington, D.C. When…
How to Be A 40 Carat “Gem of the Workforce”
October 15th, 2013
For many women who have been at home for a long hiatus, it won’t be possible to achieve the peace and well-being of long-term financial security without returning to the workforce. Perhaps for you and others you know, this may appear easier said than done. “Who would want me now?” is the question I’ve been…
Just Do It All
September 13th, 2013
Here’s a revolutionary thought: instead of wasting a lot of time wondering whether you can or should “have it all” (family and career), how about realizing that for most women it makes long-term sense to DO IT ALL. What am I saying, exactly? I’m saying that with few exceptions most women need to (as I…
Work Support Equals Work Success
May 29th, 2013
In many of my blog posts I’ve talked about the need for family support when you return to work after a long hiatus. As much as you may want to restart your career, it’s very difficult to blend both work and life if your spouse is not on board. When it is not driven by…
Paycheck Loss & Reentry Challenge Top List of Work Hiatus Fears
May 7th, 2013
Recently in collaboration with Ivy Exec (a great professional resource you should all know about), I held a webinar for women who are thinking of taking a work hiatus. It was Part II in a series that advises women to “Look Before You Leap” out of the workforce. My mission is to help as many…