Working Moms: Take the Mystery Out of Work

July 7th, 2015

Recently an Ellevate Network poll asked members to name the smartest thing they’ve done as working mothers. Since conversations often seem skewed to musings on how working mothers could be shortchanging their children, I responded to the survey to promote a dialogue with a more positive spin. In my survey answer I said that I took…

Waffling About a Return to Work? How to Overcome 10 Common Concerns

June 30th, 2015

Considering a return to work? That’s smart thinking. Most women need to generate even a small income at every age and stage to boost savings for a retirement that could last 30 years or more—and fund all of life’s you never knows. But even though you know there are many benefits to a return to…

20 Questions to Zero in on the Work Flexibility You Want

June 22nd, 2015

Just about every working human would like a flexible schedule, and most mothers jump quickly to the idea of part-time. Before you give up full-time hours, however—and a full-time salary that could greatly impact your long-term financial security—ask yourself the question that tops this article’s list:   Is what I really need a better system…

Launch Your Career With an Eye to Every Age and Stage

June 8th, 2015

Do you remember anything that was said at your college graduation other than “congratulations” as you were handed your diploma? I can’t recite a thing the keynote speaker said at my own graduations, my daughter’s graduations or any other multi-hour event I’ve attended to fete academic success… …Except the graduation speech I heard…

Resume-Building Work Can Be Easy on Your Life

April 29th, 2015

Five years ago, Liz left a vice president level job at a Fortune 500 company for a family hiatus. At the time she loved her work, but it wasn’t fitting her life. She had a baby and two young children, and the commute in and out of New York City to a job that was…

Career Reinvention: Out of Oil & Gas Come Semi-Precious Stones

April 17th, 2015

Thinking about a complete career transformation? Read this story about Cynthia Lowrance Grano, a Connecticut entrepreneur who turned a commute to Wall Street into a walk through her garden. There was a time when Cynthia wore a business suit every day. Now she dresses more casually to design exquisite jewelry, pillows and sachets for her company,…

Blend, Don’t Balance Work and Life

April 3rd, 2015

It’s no secret that I’m a proponent of making work work. As you’ll see in my “Look Before You Leap” webinar, I advise women to think carefully about both short-term emotions and long-term needs before they leave the workforce. And I’m always looking for wisdom from other experts who can help women solve the work/don’t…

Compromise: The Key to Palatable Work

April 1st, 2015

That day when Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer ordered all home-based employees back to the office, I imagined that many women teetering back and forth with the work/don’t work decision said “That’s it, I’m staying home.” If those were your thoughts, I wouldn’t rule out the idea of returning to work just yet. Flexibility still exists–it…

Child Care Costs Less than Long-Term Financial Security

March 5th, 2015

Women are working more everywhere…except in the U.S. That headline in The Washington Post calls attention to what I agree is our country’s underutilized resource. Indeed, many “privileged” high-potential, mid-career women leave the workforce each year primarily because they feel they should be home with young children. But through my work I have met thousands…

The Missing Data in the Harvard Biz Review Article on High-Achieving Women

December 11th, 2014

So much of what is written in the Harvard Business Review article, “Rethink What You ‘Know’ About High Achieving Women” rings true. But I just don’t buy the major statement that “women who left their jobs after having children did so because they found themselves…