Avoid Work-Life Balance Whines

February 26th, 2013

Though corporate America has a long, long way to go in shaping flexible work practices, I have often said that women haven’t stepped up to the plate. Playing the “victim” role and running out of the workforce after little more than a casual ask for flexibility does not, in my mind, constitute making a professional…

Keep Your Job, Give Up the Office

February 8th, 2013

You’d like to work from home one day or all days, but you’re sure your boss would say no. Perhaps you’re just assuming this or you might have mentioned the possibility in passing and your boss didn’t take the bait. Don’t give up so fast—there’s still a chance that you can make it happen. Because…

What You’d Earn for Unpaid Jobs

February 8th, 2013

It’s not news that stay-at-home Moms have a relentless, all-consuming 24/7 job. I laughed out loud when I once saw a cartoon with an exasperated mother asking her children: “Do you really have to eat dinner every single day?” Stay-at-home Moms are often dedicated volunteers as well—another job that consumes many of the evaporating hours…

Travel the Women’s Career Labyrinth

January 26th, 2013

Here you will find compelling excerpts from a wonderful article by Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, Vice President and Managing Director of Apollo Research Institute, an organization focused on education, work and careers in Palo Alto, California. Dr. Tracey’s article gives great credence to the non-linear career path, which I’m happy to see is trending upward. In my coaching and recruiting years I’ve always advised women to…

44 Tips Before You Quit Your Job

January 9th, 2013

Before you exit the workforce out of sheer frustration, make sure there is not a way to find more work-life balance and keep your job–and your paycheck.  Take a deep breath and read these 9 Lives for Women New Year’s tips for women who have one foot on the off ramp:  Don’t Give Up Your…

Escaping the Motherhood Guilts

October 23rd, 2012

When all you have to think about is yourself, work is a piece of cake. When you’re first married, work becomes a little more complicated as you mesh two work and vacation schedules. But when a baby comes into the picture, work can become a logistical, emotional and financial challenge. That is…if you let that…

Joined In Business Matrimony

September 9th, 2012

When Christina Paul and her husband, Matt, were students at the University of Connecticut Law School, they were moot court partners—and once their relationship took a serious turn they talked about some day starting a practice together. Three high powered, big law firm jobs, one apartment, two houses, four children and thirteen years later they…

Look Before You Leap

August 9th, 2012

It’s not surprising that fewer women are making the decision to stay in their jobs rather than “off ramp” for family reasons. In a difficult economy when a spouse could easily lose a job, it can be too much of a gamble to give up the second paycheck.  Even still I think too many women…

One Sacrifice Too Many?

August 9th, 2012

The work/don’t work rift between women who do and don’t work for a paycheck widened a bit more with the over-played Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer controversy and the by now dog-eared Atlantic article about “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All”.  I’m not going to debate whether Marissa is hurting women by taking a short…

Out of the Mouths of Babes

July 19th, 2012

Women who can’t decide whether to return to the workforce on even a very part-time basis might find some wisdom in this story. One day I was at my daughter’s swim meet where both boys and girls were competing.  It was an informal practice meet, so the children were just getting the hang of procedures. …