Work Isn’t Black and White
June 27th, 2012
Stay at home or sell your soul to the world of work? That’s the black and white decision many women think they’re facing. In reality there are many (non X-rated) shades of grey. After a decade’s focus on finding women flexible work, I know that part-time jobs—outside of retail stores—are very hard to find. …
Seesaws are Always Uneven
May 17th, 2012
There’s no such thing as work-life balance. The time you spend at home will never equal the time you spend at work. You’ll never feel the same level of contentment, passion and fulfillment for both your work and home life. The seesaw is always uneven—and you have to accept the fact that you’ll never find…
To Work or Not: Let Big Kids Be the Judge
April 18th, 2012
The scene is a psychiatrist’s office. Your son or daughter at age 40 is recounting an unfortunate childhood—one that did not include you opening the door when they got home from school. You did not serve milk and cookies and oversee every minute of their homework. You did not drive them to multiple after-school activities. …
Work for the “You Never Knows”
March 29th, 2012
When you’re not sure if you want to return to work, you’re thinking a lot about how work will affect your life—and your family—today. This is a bit of luxurious thinking because a current comfortable financial situation could easily change in the future. I’m not looking to be the purveyor of doom—only reality. We’ve all…
Guilty or Unhappy?
March 13th, 2012
No bout of the flu is as bad as a case of the motherhood guilts. And if your husband, your mother or your best friend is making you feel guilty about working, it’s an ailment you just can’t shake. When I was growing up my mother did not work, but I was especially intrigued by…
Make A Professional Case for Flexibility
February 27th, 2012
In all my experience coaching women, no one has ever told me that they left the workforce because they hated working. Most women say they left because once they had a family they couldn’t make work work. If you’re a mother who is working 60+ hours in your employer’s office each week, commuting and bringing…