HireMyMom.com helps moms find work from home jobs while helping small businesses and entrepreneurs hire talented virtual team members. And unlike most job sites, we do not take any commission from the business or freelancer. We simply provide a platform to post and find legitimate freelance jobs.
Principal Location
Spring, Texas
Service Areas
Primarily North America
Service Categories
Connecting moms looking for work from home with businesses and entrepreneurs looking to hire virtual talent
Types of flexible work
administrative, bloggers, bookkeepers/accountants, social media specialists, website designers, graphic designers, internet researchers, writers/editors, sales/customer service reps, marketing/advertising/public relations, real estate assistants, ecommerce specialists, consulants/strategic planners, human resources, virtual assistants, word press experts, and more!
industry focus
A variety of small businesses and entrepreneurs of all types
Candidates Contact
Lesley Pyle at lesley@hiremymom.com or 281-757-2207
Employer's Contact
Lesley Pyle at lesley@hiremymom.com or 281-757-2207